hhh Onda DX: OndaDX - Introduction


OndaDX - Introduction

Break FREE! Tune your frequency... 13:20-DX

OndaDX - Dimension X
ONDA [translated from portuguese], = WAVE /weiv/ n.
1 > a wave-like motion by which heat, light, sound, or electricity is spread; a single curve in this.
2 > a moving ridge of water; a curve shape compare to this.
3 > a burst of felling; a sequence of a type of event: a 'wave of strikes'.
4 > move one's hand or arm to and fro as a greeting or signal; [cause to] move loosely to and fro or up and down.

[Onda] > Wavelengths or Frequencies: The "world" we perceive with our physical senses is merely one tiny fraction of the frequencies that exist...

ONDA sf. [ in portuguese ]
1 > grande quantidade ou afluxo de líquido.
2 > agitação intensa; tumulto.
3 > fis./ perturbação periódica mediante a qual pode haver transporte de energia dum ponto a outro de um material ou do espaço vazio.

[D] DIMENSION /dî-mèn´shen, dì/ n.:
1 > an aspect or feature.
2 > A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length.
3 > A frequency range > the "world" where we live in... a tiny fraction of the multi-dimensional infinity > The UlTimaTe ReaLitY!

[Fourth Dimension] /fôrth dî-mèn´shen/ n.
> Time regarded as a coordinate dimension and required by relativity theory, along with three spatial dimensions, to specify completely the location of any event...
> [ on this OndaDX web-blog we're going to call it: DimensionX ]
< ...also for [D] > [DISTANCE] n.
1 > the length of space or time between two points; being far away; a far point or part; the full lenght (of a race etc).
2 > v. separate, make remote.

[X] > X-dimension, the "one" [frequency] just outside the present range of the physical senses. We can feel it as "vibes" around us, but we cannot see it, unless we tune in with our "psychic" sight...

Dimension X
We think we live in a "world". In fact we live in a frequency range. That's all it is. We are trapped in a frequency range and therefore trapped in an illusion.

The "world" we see around us is merely the tiny fraction of multi-dimensional infinity that our physical senses of sight, hearing, smell, and taste can access. The physical world we perceive is like a radio station and our physical senses are tuned to its frequency. So that is all we see. But all around us are the other frequencies or densities of infinite creation - the ones that "science" has denied exist. They are all around us on frequencies beyond the range of our physical senses. These are the frequencies that can be seen and heard by animals, like cats, when they react to apparently "empty" space, and dogs when they hear sounds far higher than we can. Newborn babies also react to "empty" space until their senses are imprisoned by conditioning. These are the frequencies accessed by true psychics- the oracles of ancient world - who can raise their vibration to tune into these unseen realms.

You may look around and think that what you see is "real". But in truth you are living in an illusion - an illusion designed to keep you in a mental, emotional, and spiritual prison cell.


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