hhh Onda DX: Alien



Alien [â´lê-en, âl´yen] noun

1] non-naturalized foreigner; a being from another world.
2] adjective foreign; not one's own; of a different kind; unfamiliar.

Alienate [âl´ye-nât´, â´lê-e-] verb transitive: alienated, alienating, alienates; strange; transfer ownership of. Alienation noun.

Naturally, as a result of the confrontation of alien intelligence with organized intellect on the other side, many theories have been elaborated. The theory that I put forth in Psilocybin: The Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide, held that the mushroom was in fact an extraterrestrial. I suggest that the Stropharia Cubensis mushroom was a species that did not evolve on Earth. Within the mushroom trance, I was informed that once a culture has complete understanding of its genetic information, it reengineers itself for survival. The Stropharia Cubensis mushroom's version of reengineering is a mycelial network strategy when in contact with planetary surfaces and a spore-dispersion strategy as a means of radiating throughout the galaxy. And, though I am troubled by how freely Bell's nonlocality theorem is tossed around, nevertheless the alien intellect on the other side does seem to be in possession of a huge body of information drawn from the history of the galaxy. It/they say that there is nothing unusual about this, that humanity's conceptions of organized intelligence and the dispersion of life in the galaxy are hopelessly culture-bound, that the galaxy has been an organized society for billions of years. Life evolves under so many different regiments of chemistry, temperature, and pressure, that searching for an extraterrestrial who will sit down and have a conversation with you is doomed to failure. The main problem with searching for extraterrestrials is to recognize them. Time is so vast and evolutionary strategies and environments so varied that the trick is to know that contact is being made at all.


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