hhh Onda DX: Do Other Worlds Exist?


Do Other Worlds Exist?

Other worlds may be closer than we think Non-scientists of speak of "other dimensions" and people who have had UFO encounters often say they think that's where ETs come from. Quantum physicists call these parallel universes or "brane worlds" (membrane-like places where there are more than the 3 dimensions that exist here on Earth—4 dimensions if you include time). Do these other worlds really exist? Researchers are discovering that they definitely do. A neutrino detector at the South Pole, called AMANDA, has detected ghostlike particles from space that could act as probes to a world of more dimensions than exist on Earth. Neutrinos are particles that are similar to electrons, but do not carry an electric charge. Because neutrinos are electrically neutral, they are not affected by the electromagnetic forces which act on electrons and can travel great distances without being effected by gravity. They can thus be spotted because they travel in a straight line, rather than a curve.

Earlier research into parallel universes postulated that everything that is possible to happen DOES happen somewhere, in some other universe. This could explain things like mediums, who contact the dead: they would be somehow entering another universe where the person being contacted has not died. Quantum theories have now evolved to embrace the idea of worlds with more—or fewer—dimensions that ours. Physicists think these other universes may exist all around us, but we are unaware of them, and they are now trying to "find" them.


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