hhh Onda DX: 2006.02



Signatures are frequencies that help define who we are. Everything has a frequency or energy signature. This Blog-page has a signature that allows points to a server and allows you to read the files. All broadcasting has signatures. One just has to tune in and get the best reception possible.

We all have personal frequency on many levels -- like fingerprints or palm prints. When you look for someone psychically -- living or dead, you move your counciouness into the grids -- like passageways, until you connect with the signature of the person you are searching for.

If you desire to see yourself in a past life with someone - such as a friend or relative - you can track both signatures and see what images appear. This just take practice but anyone can do it. [See The Holographic Universe]

Some signatures have a strong imprint on the grids - if the soul played an important role - therefore it is easier to find that person in the grid - their signature spikes.

When going into a past life - you are just connecting with the signature of someone in another part of the grid - or in another grid. You can see yourself in the role of anyone in that grid program and believe that person to be a past life experience of your own. You just set your frequency and tune in to that person's life and viola - you can be someone famous or infamous and so forth.

We all have a genetic signature which is our DNA and is unique to us as well as the human race.
I think to most important medical breakthrough is stem cell research - which seems to be a cure or a correction for most things that afflict our bodies.

Frequencies - as with all else in our reality - are defined by sound [harmonics], light, and color. Harmonics - unique tones and frequencies of vibration that create noise -- some are above, while some are below - our range of auditory perception.

Numbers that define reality have signatures - the sacred geometry of our creation. They move in patterns yet are unique. We learn to read them on many levels.
All celestial objects have signatures.

Your handwriting is your signatures in that it is unique to you. As with palmistry - the imprint is sent by the EM signals in you brain. - Deciphering Old Handwriting - Handwriting Analysis.

There are items called Signature Pieces which are original works of art. Someone might have a signature carrying case. A company may have a signature piece that helps one readily identify with them. It is like a logo.

And so it goes as we try to bring identity to who we are.

:: [Source with thanks] - CrystalLinks.com
:: Find out also your DREAMSPELL Signature.


Dreamtime (drêm´tìm´) noun
The time of the creation of the world in the mythology of the internal Australian aborigines: "Aboriginal myths tell of the legendary totemic beings who wandered across the country in the Dreamtime . . . singing the world into existence".
Bruce Chatwin

"What we need is a new myth. What we need is a new true story that tells us where were going in the universe. And that true story is that the ego is a product of pathology, and that when internal psilocybin is regularly part of the human experience, the ego is suppressed. And the suppression of the ego means the defeat of the dominators, the materialists, the product peddlers."

"The internal Gaian mind is what we're calling the internal psychedelic experience. Its an experience of the living fact of the entelechy of the planet, and without that experience we wander in a desert of bogus ideologies, but with that experience, the compass of the self can be set. And that's the idea, that we're figuring out how to reset the compass of the self, through community, through ecstatic dance, through psychedelics, intelligence..."

"Once you touch the inner core of your own and someone else's being, you can't be led into thing fetishism and consumerism. The message of psychedelics is that culture can be reengineered as a set of emotional values, rather than products. This is terrifying news. And if we are able to make this point, we can pull back, we can pull back and we can transcend."
Terence McKenna - Alien Dreamtime

"All life is only a set of pictures in the brain, among which there is no difference betwixt those born of internal real things and those born of inward dreamings, and no cause to value the one above the other."
H.P. Lovecraft


Lost Jerusalem (Xenosaga)
A character/reference from the PS2 series Xenosaga.

Lost Jerusalem was the name given to Earth in T.C. 0016. After the Immigrant Fleet left Lost Jerusalem, the planet suddenly vanished. It would be a logical conclusion that Lost Jerusalem--Earth--is the planet in the center of the forward portion of Abel's Ark. After all, the Original Zohar was discovered on Earth, and Abel's Ark collected the Original after the Proto Omega incident. Since the tragedy of Lost Jerusalem, the Galaxy Federation has moved its capital five times.

Lost Jerusalem is also considered a holy place by the Ormus cult. There have been dozens of attempts to discover the ancient human capital.

In the Proto Merkabah superfacility, there is a holographic starmap of the two explored galaxies in the Xenosaga universe. There is a large hole where Lost Jerusalem was supposedly located. It is almost certain that this hole is where the Milky Way once was.

The Holographic Universe

Selected Quotes, pp. 54-55

Considered together, internal Bohm and Pribram's theories provide a profound new way of looking at the world: Our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting internal frequencies that are ultimately projections from another internal dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time: The brain is a hologram folded in a holographic universe.

For Pribram, this synthesis made him realize that the objective world does not exist, at least not in the way we are accustomed to believing. What is "out there" is a vast ocean of internal waves and frequencies, and reality looks concrete to us only because our brains are able to take this holographic blur and convert it into the sticks and stones and other familiar objects that make up our world. How is the brain (which itself is composed of frequencies of matter) able to take something as insubstantial as a blur of frequencies and make it seem solid to the touch? "The kind of mathematical internal process that Bekesy simulated with his vibrators is basic to how our brains construct our image of a world out there," Pribram states. In other words, the smoothness of a piece of fine china and the feel of beach sand beneath our feet are really just elaborate versions of the phantom limb syndrome.

According to Pribram this does not mean there aren't china cups and grains of beach sand out there. It simply means that a china cup has two very different aspects to its reality. When it is internal filtered through the internal lens of our brain it manifests as a cup. But if we could get rid of our lenses, we'd experience it as an interference pattern. Which one is real and which is illusion? "Both are real to me," says Pribram, "or, if you want to say, neither of them are real."

This state of affairs is not limited to china cups. We, too, have two very different aspects to our reality. We can view ourselves as physical bodies moving through space. Or we can view ourselves an a blur of interference patterns enfolded throughout the cosmic hologram. Bohm believes this second point of view might even be the more correct, for to think of ourselves as a holographic mind/brain looking at a holographic universe is again an abstraction, an attempt to separate two things that ultimately cannot be separated.
Do not be troubled if this is difficult to grasp. It is relatively easy to understand the idea of holism in something that is external to us, like an apple in a hologram. What makes it difficult is that in this case we an not looking at the hologram. We are part of the hologram.

The difficulty is also another indication of how radical a revision Bohm and Pribram are trying to make in our way of thinking. But it is not the only radical revision. Pribram's assertion that our brains construct objects pales beside another of Bohm's conclusions: that we even construct space and time. The implications of this view are just one of the subjects that will be examined as we explore the effect Bohm and Pribram's ideas have had on the work of other fields.

:: See also FusionAnomaly/TheHolographicUniverse

:: For more - read the book - The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.
Despite its apparent materiality, the universe is actually a kind of 3-D projection and is ultimately no more real than a hologram, a 3-D image projected in space and made with the aid of a laser. Using this model, a world-renowned physicist and a Nobel prize winning neurophysiologist has developed a new description of reality. It encompasses not only reality as we know it, including hitherto unexplained phenomena of physics, but is capable of explaining such occurrences as telepathy, paranormal and out-of-the-body experiences, "lucid" dreaming and even mystical and religious traditions such as cosmic unity and miraculous healings. In part one, the author explains in simple prose the theory behind a holograph and its traditional applications to science. In part two, he shows the panoramic way in which the holographic model makes sense of the entire range of mystical, spiritual and psychic experience. Finally, in part three, he explores the implications for other universes beyond our own.

Michael Talbot (died 1992) was the author of a number of books highlighting parallels between ancient Mysticism and quantum mechanics, and espousing a theoretical model of reality that suggests the physical universe is akin to a giant hologram.



"We can record essentially anything we want about any event and recall it later. There is a synthesis of all this, which leads to the discovery of the inner internal dimension, which may be thought of as a higher or lower dimension. The human internal imagination is the dimension beyond space and internal time, or it precedes all dimensions. At some level it has pointlike characteristics; that's why all this talk about the hologram, because it has the pointlike characteristics of new consciousness. It has all-at-onceness. Its everywhere-at-the-same-timeness has fascinated commentators."

"I suggest that it is much more useful to try to make a kind of geometric model of consciousness, to take seriously the idea o fa parallel continuum, and to say that the mind and the body are embedded in the dream and the dream is a higher-order spatial dimension. In sleep, one is released into the real world, of which the world of waking is only the surface in a very literal geometric sense. There is a plenum - recent experiments in quantum physics tend to back this up - a holographic plenum of information. All information is everywhere. Information that is not here is nowhere. Information stands outside of historical time in a kind of eternity - an eternity that does not have a temporal existence, not even the kind of temporal existence about which one may say, "It always existed." It does not have temporal duration of any sort. It is eternity. We are not primarily biological, with mind emerging as a kind of iridescence, a kind of epiphenomenon at the higher levels of organization of biology. We are hyperspatial objects of some sort that cast a shadow into matter. The shadow in matter is our physical organism."
Terence McKenna - Archaic Revival



Memory (mèm´e-rê) noun
Plural memories
1. The mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience.

2. The act or an instance of remembering; recollection: spent the afternoon lost in memory.
3. All that a person can remember: It hasn't happened in my memory.
4. Something remembered: pleasant childhood memories.
5. The fact of being remembered; remembrance: dedicated to their grandparents' memory.
6. The period of internal linktime covered by the remembrance or recollection of a person or group of persons: within the memory of humankind.
7. Biology. Persistent modification of behavior resulting from an animal's experience.
8. Computer Science. a. A unit of a computer that preserves data for retrieval. b. Capacity for storing internal information: two million bytes of memory.
9. Statistics. The set of past events affecting a given event in a stochastic process.
10. The capacity of a material, such as plastic or metal, to return to a previous shape after deformation

[Middle English memorie, from Anglo-French, from Latin memoria, from memor, mindful.]

LA 2019

Rick Deckard, a retired Blade Runner, is forced back into duty to eliminate five escaped replicants who hide illegally on earth.

android (an'droid) adj. Possessing human features - n.

A synthetic man created from biological materials. Also called humanoid. (Late Greek androeides, manlike: ANDR(O) - OID.)

android (an'droid) n
, Gk. humanoid automation. more at robot./ 1. early version utilized for work too boring, dangerous or unpleasant for humans. 2. second generation bio-engineered. Electronic relay units and positronic brains. Used in space to explore inhospitable environments. 3. third generation synthogenetic. REPLICANT, constructed of skin/flesh culture. Selected enogenic transfer conversion. Capable of self perpetuating thought. paraphysical abilities. Developed for emigration program.
WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY New International (2012)

Replicant Test:

Holden: You're in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down...

Leon: What one?
Holden: What?
Leon: What desert?
Holden: It doesn't make any difference what desert, it's completely hypothetical.
Leon: But, how come I'd be there?
Holden: Maybe you're fed up. Maybe you want to be by yourself. Who knows? You look down and see a tortoise, Leon. It's crawling toward you...
Leon: Tortoise? What's that?
Holden: You know what a turtle is?
Leon: Of course!
Holden: Same thing.
Leon: I've never seen a turtle. (pause) But I understand what you mean.
Holden: You reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back, Leon.
Leon: Do you make up these questions, Mr. Holden? Or do they write 'em down for you?
Holden: The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping.
Holden: I mean you're not helping! Why is that, Leon? [Leon has become visibly shaken]
Holden: They're just questions, Leon. In answer to your query they're written down for me. It's a test, designed to provoke an emotional response. (pause) Shall we continue?

Like tears ... in rain

Battys built-in lifespan is over and he dies after saving his hunter.

"I've seen things... you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion ... I watched c-beams glittering in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. All those moments... will be lost .... in time, like tears ... in rain."

Do you like our owl?

Rachael: Do you like our owl?
Deckard: It's artificial?
Rachael: Of course it is.
Deckard: Must be expensive.
Rachael: Very.
Rachael: I'm Rachael.
Deckard: Deckard.
Rachael: It seems you feel our work is not a benefit to the public.
Deckard: Replicants are like any other machine - they're either a benefit or a hazard. If they're a benefit, it's not my problem.
owl (oul) noun
1. Any of various often nocturnal birds of prey of the order Strigiformes, having hooked and feathered talons, large heads with short hooked beaks, large eyes set forward, and fluffy plumage that allows for almost noiseless flight.

2. Any of a breed of domestic pigeons resembling owls.
[Middle English owle, from Old English úle, of imitative origin.]

Owl, common name for an order of widely distributed nocturnal birds of prey. There are two families: the typical owls and the barn owls.An owl's large eyes are encased in a capsule of bone called the sclerotic ring, which allows almost no eye movement. Owls can rotate their heads 270 degrees to see sideways. Most owls hunt at night, so their hearing is particularly important. Many have asymmetrical skulls, with the ear openings at different levels; this feature enables the bird to locate an animal's sound precisely. Some owls nest in holes in trees or among rocks, others construct large tree nests; and others nest on the ground. Owls feed entirely on living animals, mostly insects and mammals.

The largest genus (Otus) contains more than 50 species. The eagle owls (Bubo) are among the largest species. They have large, earlike tufts of feathers on their heads. Of this genus, only the great horned owl (Bubo virginianus) lives in the Americas, but 17 other species exist in Europe, Africa, and Asia. The elf owl (Micrathene whitneyi) is the smallest species and lives in the southwestern United States and Mexico. It is 13 cm (5 in) long and nests in large cacti.

Scientific classification: Owls make up the order Strigiformes. Typical owls make up the family Strigidae, and barn owls make up the family Tytonidae.

NEXUS 6 Replicants

Early in the 21’st Century, THE TYRELL CORPORATION advanced Robot evolution into the NEXUS phase -- a being virtually identical to a human -- known as a replicant. The NEXUS 6 Replicants were superior in strength and agility, and at least equal in intelligence, to the genetic engineers who created them. Replicants were used Off-world as slave labour, in the hazardous exploration and colonization of other planets.After a bloody mutiny by a NEXUS 6 combat team in an Off-world colony, Replicants were declared illegal on earth -- under penalty of death. Special police squads -- BLADE RUNNER UNITS -- had orders to shoot to kill, upon detection, any trespassing Replicants.
This was not called execution. It was called retirement.

Terence McKenna

Terence McKenna [1946-2000], a psychedelic theorist, author and explorer has been studying the ontological foundations of Shamanism and the Ethnopharmarcology of spiritual transformation for the past quarter century. An innovative theoretician and spellbinding orator, Terence has emerged as a powerful voice for the psychedelic movement and the emergent societal tendency he calls The Archaic Revival. Founder of Novelty Theory and discoverer of machine elves, graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a distributed major in Ecology, Resource Conservation and Shamanism. After graduation he travelled extensively in the Asian and New World Tropics, becoming specialized in the shamanism and ethno-medicine of the Amazon Basin.

"I can't preach Scientism cause I don't believe it. I can't preach Buddhism cause I can't understand it. The only thing I can preach is the felt presence of immediate experience which for me came through the psychedelics, which are not drugs but plants. It's a perversion of language to try to derail this thing into talk of drugs. There are spirits in the natural world that come to us in this way and so far as I can tell this is the only way that they come to us that is rapid enough for it to have an impact upon us as a global population."

"The analogy I like to make is to sexuality because the idea of someone going from birth to the grave without ever having a psychedelic experience is to me a notion that makes me as edgy as the idea of someone going from the birth to the grave without ever having a sexual experience."

As Artist Alex Grey suggests, "In the twilight of human history, McKenna's prescription for salvation is just so crazy it might work."

Psychedelics and Counciousness

"Questions about psychedelic drugs remain unanswered because our basic question about conciousness remain unanswered. As we learn more about the biochemistry and physiology of counciousness then we will understand the specific effects and uses of counciousness-altering plants."
Dr. Timothy Leary / from Politics and Ecstasy 1965-


"Civilization is entirely the product of phonetic literacy. As it dissolves with the electronic revolution, we rediscover a tribal integral awareness that manifests itself in a complete shift in our sensory lives....This new electronic environment itself constitutes an inner trip, collectively, without benefit of drugs. The impulse to use hallucinogens is a kind of empathy with the electronic environment."
Marshall McLuhan


"Today when we speak of immortality and of going to another world we no longer mean these in a theological or metaphysical sense. People are now travelling to other worlds. People are now striving for immortality. Transcendence is no longer a metaphysical concept. It has become reality."
F.M. Esfandiary [FM-2030]

More real than real

In the Amazon and other places where visionary plants are understood and used, you are conveyed into worlds that are appallingly different from ordinary reality. Their vividness cannot be stressed enough. They are more real than real, and that's something that you sense intuitively. They establish an ontological priority. They are more real than real, and once you get that under your belt and let it rattle around in your mind, then the compass of your life begins to spin and you realize that you are not looking in on the Other; the Other is looking in on you. This is a tremendous challenge to the intellectual structures that have carried us so far during the last thousand years. We can do tricks with atoms, there's no question about that, but these tricks immolate us. The higher-order structure of molecules, let alone organelles and that kind of thing, is intellectual incognita to us. We have no notion of how these things work or what is going on. Yet it is from those levels that the constituent modalities of reality are being laid down.
Terence McKenna [1946-2000]


V A L I S - Vast Active Living Intelligence System
From an American film: A perturbation in the reality field in which a spontaneous self-monitoring negentropic vortex is formed, tending progressively to subsume and incorporate its environment into arrangements of information. Characterized by quasi-consciousness, purpose, intelligence, growth and an armillary coherence.

In the excepts of the Exegesis reworked into the "Tractates Crytptica Scriptura" that close the novel > VALIS, Philip K. Dick expresses the MIT computer scientist Edward Fredkin's view that the universe is composed of information. The world we experience is a hologram, "a hypostasis of information" that we, as nodes in the true Mind, process. "We hypostasize information into objects. Rearrangement of objects is change in the content of information. This is the language we have lost the ability to read." With this Adamic code scrambled, both ourselves and the world as we know it are "occluded," cut off from the brimming "Matrix" of cosmic information. Instead, we are under the sway of the "Black Iron Prison," Dick's terms for the demiurgic worldly forces of political tyranny and oppressive social control. Rome is the eternal paragon of this "Empire," whose archetypal lineaments the feverish Dick recognized in the Nixon administration.

Following this event, Dick experienced a remarkable series of visions, hallucinations, and dreams, many of which centered around VALIS, a "Vast Active Living Intelligence System" that he defined in his 1980 novel of the same name as a "spontaneous self-monitoring negentropic vortex...tending to progressively subsume and incorporate its environment into arrangements of information." Not a bad definition of the Internet, though Dick experienced this incoming information web far more intensely than today's online grazers. Sometimes it struck him as a pink beam of esoteric data, or as a compassionate feminine "A.I.[Artificial Intelligence] voice" speaking to him from outer space. Other times, Dick felt he was in telepathic communication with a first-century Christian named Thomas, and once "the landscape of California, U.S.A. 1974 ebbed out and the landscape of Rome of the first century C.E. ebbed in."

PKD says in VALIS that "We are not individuals. We are stations in the single mind" also........" that Space and Time were revealed as mere mechanisms of separation."

"Philip K. Dick, in one of his last novels, VALIS discusses the long hibernation of the LOGOS. A creature of pure information, it was buried in the ground at Nag Hammadi, along with the burying of the Chenoboskion Library circa 370 A.D. As static information, it existed there until 1947, when the texts were translated and read. As soon as people had the information in their minds, the symbiote came alive, for, like the mushroom consciousness, Dick imagined it to be a thing of pure information. The mushroom consciousness is the consciousness of the Other in hyperspace, which means in dream and in the psilocybin trance, at the quantum foundation of being, in the human future, and after death. All of these places that were thought to be discrete and seperate are seen to be part of a single continuum. History is the dash over ten to fifteen thousand years from nomadism to flying saucer, hopefully without ripping the envelope of the planet so badly that the birth is aborted and fails, and we remain brutish prisoners of matter."
Excerpt from: "The Archaic Revival" by TERENCE McKENNA

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

The concept of reality has always been a strange one, being the invention of the human mind, but it seems as if our creation is beginning to come apart at the seams in these so called ‘postmodern’ times. Is this a good or a bad thing? In this notional ‘postmodern’ world, which we presently inhabit, the notion of ‘reality’, or rather how our minds perceive it, is a particular cause for concern. If one stops to look about for just a moment it is very easy to find forms of ‘simulacra’ which we consider to be ‘real’. The computer, and its over-hyped use - ‘surfing the web’, television, photography, and ‘virtual-reality’, which is as far removed from ‘reality’ as it is possible to be, being obvious examples of this. Perhaps it is right that such a concept should be brought tumbling down. In this essay I intend to explore, and hopefully gain some insights into, the nature of ‘reality’. I shall do this by examining some of the the works of, the science-fiction writer, Philip K. Dick. Placing particular emphasis on his 1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the 1982 film rendition of it - Blade Runner, and his 1972 novel We Can Build You.

:: With thanks - Amedeo Felix Quetzalcoalt.co.uk


psilocybin [sîl´e-sì´bîn, sì´le-] noun

A hallucinogenic compound, C13H18(20)N2O3P2, obtained from the mushroom Psilocybe mexicana.[New Latin Psilocybe, genus name (Greek psilos, bare + Greek kubê, head) + -IN].

"I've mentioned that psilocin, which is what psilocybin quickly becomes as it enters your metabolism, is 4 hydroxy dimethyltryptamine. It is the only 4-substituted indole in all of organic nature. Let this rattle around in your mind for a moment. It is the only 4-substituted indole known to exist on earth. It happens to be this psychedelic substance that occurs in about eighty species of fungi, most of which are native to the New World. Psilocybin has a unique chemical signature that says, "I am artificial; I come from outside." I was suggesting that it was a gene - an artificial gene - carried perhaps by a spaceborne virus or something brought artificially to this planet, and that this gene has inssinuated itself into the genome of these mushrooms."
Terence McKenna - Archaic Revival


Reality [rê-àl´î-tê] noun plural realities

What is real or existent or underlies appearances; real existence; being real; likeness to original. In reality in fact.

- Oxford Dictionary -
1.The quality or state of being actual or true. 2.One, such as a person, an entity, or an event, that is actual: "the weight of history and political realities" [Benno C. Schmidt, Jr.]. 3.The totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence. 4.That which exists objectively and in fact: Your observations do not seem to be about reality. 5.Philosophy. That which has necessary existence and not contingent existence.

Do Other Worlds Exist?

Other worlds may be closer than we think Non-scientists of speak of "other dimensions" and people who have had UFO encounters often say they think that's where ETs come from. Quantum physicists call these parallel universes or "brane worlds" (membrane-like places where there are more than the 3 dimensions that exist here on Earth—4 dimensions if you include time). Do these other worlds really exist? Researchers are discovering that they definitely do. A neutrino detector at the South Pole, called AMANDA, has detected ghostlike particles from space that could act as probes to a world of more dimensions than exist on Earth. Neutrinos are particles that are similar to electrons, but do not carry an electric charge. Because neutrinos are electrically neutral, they are not affected by the electromagnetic forces which act on electrons and can travel great distances without being effected by gravity. They can thus be spotted because they travel in a straight line, rather than a curve.

Earlier research into parallel universes postulated that everything that is possible to happen DOES happen somewhere, in some other universe. This could explain things like mediums, who contact the dead: they would be somehow entering another universe where the person being contacted has not died. Quantum theories have now evolved to embrace the idea of worlds with more—or fewer—dimensions that ours. Physicists think these other universes may exist all around us, but we are unaware of them, and they are now trying to "find" them.


The Beginnings of SETI

SETI began in 1959 with the publication of an article in the journal Nature. Two Cornell physicists, Giuseppi Cocconi and Philip Morrison, suggested a project in which the presence of extraterrestrial life could be detected with radiotelescopes tuned into the microwave band (3 - 30 GHz). However, such an endeavour was already being planned by a young astronomer, the now famous Frank Drake, who in the spring of 1960 scanned sun-like stars for signs of ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) with an 85-foot dish in West Virginia. Drake hypothesised that a more advanced ETI somewhere out there would be transmitting a signal to catch our (or anyone else's) attention. If so, then they would use one particular frequency of significance. Drake thought that 21 cm (1.4 MHz), the neutral band of hydrogen, would be it. After scanning for some time on this frequency, the young astronomer found nothing, and so ended what he called Project Ozma.

The first government-funded SETI-type project was not in America but in Soviet Russia. During the 1960s, the Russians set up omnidirectional antenna stations to listen in on the heavens in search of signals that might be of intelligent origin. While Drake used a highly directional antenna system, the Russian system would pick up radio emissions from all directions. This strategy meant that if a signal were found, it would be difficult to determine from which direction it originated. On the other hand, the Russian astronomers would never make the mistake of looking in the wrong direction!

It was not until the beginning of the 1970s that the United States government gave any serious thought to searching the Universe for radio signals of ETI origin. The first move was made at NASA's Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California, where several projects were set up to study the technical considerations involved. A team of outside experts was assembled -- including Bernard Oliver, who was on leave from the Hewlett Packard Corporation -- to produce a detailed report, known as Project Cyclops. By the late 1970s, NASA's Ames Research Center and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, were engaged in projects studying the technical aspects of any SETI-type endeavour. Ames concentrated on examining 1,000 sun-like stars for intelligent life, much like Drake's original Project Ozma, in what was known as "targeted search" using sensitive equipment to detect weak or sporadic signals. Meanwhile, JPL was concerned with systematic sweeps in all directions in a complete sky survey.

It was not until 1988, after a decade of study, that NASA HQ had the go-ahead and in 1991 started scanning the cosmos for intelligent life. A year later, Congress terminated funding! It seems very strange that after so many years of developing the technology, the US government should suddenly terminate funding when the actual search was only just beginning. But is there more to this than meets the eye?

Back in the early 1990s, the author had contact with an individual who claimed to be a former KGB officer involved in infiltrating the US National Security Agency (NSA). While serving his home country, a former Soviet state, he was involved in assessing the NSA's signals analysis techniques. Since the Soviet Union's collapse, he has had no authority to answer to and so speaks freely on such subjects. He says that SETI was no more than a cover for a more subversive program. Like the launching of Sputnik was no more than an exercise in deploying nuclear weapons, SETI was about eavesdropping on the enemy. This makes a lot of sense, as the technologies involved are very similar indeed.

For a practical SETI program, one requires a system that can scan at high resolution a huge bandwidth of frequencies. Not only this, but it must be able to detect the presence of intelligent transmissions. The latter requirement is achieved using powerful algorithms -- code-breakers -- which use probability mathematics to analyse the incoming data. Another requirement is that the system should be able to pick out weak signals buried deep within the background noise. Described here is no more than the perfect eavesdropping system -- a system that would give a government a great advantage over another.

SETI was the perfect cover and means of drawing in the country's brilliant minds: radio engineers, mathematicians and computer systems experts. SETI was a means of gaining the people's support, a project into which they could freely pump money. Meanwhile, the technology developed could be controlled and siphoned off for more subversive applications.

All the governament wanted was the technology; the discovery of intelligence elsewhere in the Universe would at best be an inconvenience, so funding was terminated. But what of today? As there is no USSR, is there any use for such technology? The answer is yes, for now we are the enemy. It is our communications which are being tapped into, using the technology developed for

>> See
SETI in a Parallel Dimension.

The SETI Argument

The SETI Argument - The Radio search

The SETI search is a huge task. Where and how do we look? We have to agree on the method. Several come to mind.

First, our alien friends could travel in a space ship and visit us. That would be a great method of communication -- face to face. Unfortunately, despite all the alleged Roswells and alien abductions and UFO sightings, there is not a single shred of scientific evidence that aliens have ever visited the earth. Not one. The amount of energy and time necessary to travel between the stars is so immense that a more "economical" method is mandated. Doing some simple calculations, you can prove that even if someone could invent a ship with the most efficient type of engine ("Star Trek" fans will be happy to know that this involves matter and antimatter!) that a trip to the nearest star, Alpha Centauri, with a twenty-year round-trip travel time would use enough energy to power over a million houses for over thirty million years! And this trip would only take a few people as passengers! This is not an economical method to communicate because this amount of energy, at today's costs, would cost well over $30 quadrillion. Can you imagine any alien government allocating this kind of resource to send a few of their people for a friendly visit? Of course, they could send out thousands or millions of lightweight probes announcing their existence and the probes could report back their findings, but this would still be very costly in both time and energy. Even though we would like to believe in warp drive, interdimensional shifting, and all the other wonders of science fiction, they are just that, fiction.

How would you contact a friend or relative living in a far distant country if all you wanted to say was "hello!" Would you go there? Probably not. You would simply pick up the phone and make a call, or you might send an email, or if you have the right equipment, you might even strike up a video teleconference. All of these methods are vastly more economical and timely than traveling by jet. Likewise, any advanced civilization would probably choose to communicate via "economical" methods.

The best method that we know of is to communicate by radio waves. Transmitting information over radio waves is very cheap, uses equipment that is easy to build, and has the information-carrying capacity necessary for the task. The information also travels at the fastest speed in the universe, the speed of light. No space ship can ever match this speed. Furthermore, if you are using a radio transmitter, you can point it in millions of directions and communicate simultaneously with many different civilizations. Can't do that with a ship! Look at all the ways you use radio transmissions: radio and TV, of course, cellular phones, pagers, all satellite communication, GPS navigation, and much more. On earth, we've already decided on the most efficient method!

So if we are going to look for aliens trying to contact us by radio waves, we have another problem on our hands. When you turn on your radio, you have to decide what frequency, or channel, you are goung to listen to. You can tune through the various radio bands -- AM, FM, short-wave, ham, police, weather, etc. -- to find your desired program. Likewise, we will have to tune our extraterrestrial ear to find our alien friends. The electromagnetic spectrum is a very, very large place and there are some phenomena that we should examine that might make our tuning decision easier. It would be nice, at least, to find a reasonably small region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which to start our search.

The largest radio telescope in the world and the one used for the Berkeley SETI search is the Arecibo Radio Telescope, in northwestern Puerto Rico, near the town of Arecibo. The telescope has a fixed dish 305 meters (1000 feet) across that is built into a sinkhole in rugged Karst terrain. To imagine how big this dish is, it would take 10 billion normal bowls of cereal to fill the radio dish to the brim! Still hard to imagine? The large surface of this dish is over 20 acres with about 18 acres or 26 football fields of available aperture! The dish reflects and concentrates the weak celestial signals on the receiving antennas hung 450 feet above. Since the dish is fixed and can't swivel, the receiving antennas are mounted on a bow-shaped track that allows them to "look at" objects as far as 20 degrees from the zenith (directly overhead). This bow-shaped arm is itself mounted on a circular track to allow the antennas to follow an object as it moves across the sky due to the earth's rotation. These two motions give the telescope the ability to scan a good portion of the sky.

Nature provides an even nicer way to further refine our frequency range. The simplest "stuff" of the universe, neutral hydrogen gas in interstellar space, emits radio signals at 1.42 GHz. Another molecule in space, the hydroxyl, or OH, emits at about 1.64 GHz. Now if you look at these two, H and OH, you would see that together they make up the compound of water HOH (or more commonly H2O). Life as we know it requires water to evolve and exist. The frequency range between these two emissions, from 1.42 to 1.64 GHz, is therefore a quiet region of the spectrum called "the water hole." Where would you expect water-based intelligent civilizations to meet? Around the water hole, of course! This would be a good, and nicely limited, range of frequencies to start our search. We can always broaden our net at a later date.

The frequencies around 1420 MHz are especially interesting to look at because of their proximity to the "water hole." Also, because of the importance of this part of the spectrum to radio astronomy, by international agreement no one is allowed to produce any broadcasts between 1420 MHz and 1427 MHz. Because of this ban, it's an especially quiet part of the spectrum. Let's take a closer look at what this means.

What exactly are we looking for? As mentioned previously, the most efficient way for an alien race to get noticed would be to concentrate all the radio energy in a very narrow frequency signal. If your radio receiver is "sloppy" and can only look at broad ranges of frequencies, the narrow signal will get swamped by all the unwanted signals around it -- even if that signal is very strong.

Imagine a person with a loud whistle in a huge noisy crowd. The whistle has a very specific frequency or pitch. If you were just using your ears, which pick up a wide range of pitches, the noise from the crowd would mask out the whistle. On the other hand, what if your ears were tuned to listen only for the pitch of the whistle? You wouldn't hear much of the crowd noise because most of it wouldn't occur at the pitch you are "tuned" to. But the whistle would come through loud and clear. In the same way, the SETI@home listens in many precisely tuned channels (or frequencies) for signals that are significantly "above the noise." With your help, SETI@home does one of the most detailed and finely tuned searches ever attempted. Your computer will "listen" to the sky for signals as narrow as 0.07 Hz.

>> See
SETI in a Parallel Dimension.


Are We Alone?

Are we alone in the Universe? This is probably one of the most important questions to be answered, yet modern science seems reluctant to address it. It is almost certain that life does exist in some other part of the Universe; it is just a question of how far away and how evolved it is, never mind its state of technological development. What would really hit home would be tangible evidence of an extraterrestrial intelligence that was as technologically developed as ourselves, perhaps more so, if only to just say "Hi out there!" Face-to-face contact would not be necessary; just to know we are not alone would be enough.

With this in mind, NASA started a program that was directed towards scanning the eternal cosmos for intelligent life, hoping to find a signal from a civilisation as technologically developed as our own. This project was named SETI: the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence.

For a while, it seemed that both the US government and the scientific community were ready to embrace a greater truth; however, this soon proved not to be the case. After many years of initial research and planning, the real search for extraterrestrial intelligence began in 1991; a year later, Congress ordered a termination of all funding.


Alien [â´lê-en, âl´yen] noun

1] non-naturalized foreigner; a being from another world.
2] adjective foreign; not one's own; of a different kind; unfamiliar.

Alienate [âl´ye-nât´, â´lê-e-] verb transitive: alienated, alienating, alienates; strange; transfer ownership of. Alienation noun.

Naturally, as a result of the confrontation of alien intelligence with organized intellect on the other side, many theories have been elaborated. The theory that I put forth in Psilocybin: The Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide, held that the mushroom was in fact an extraterrestrial. I suggest that the Stropharia Cubensis mushroom was a species that did not evolve on Earth. Within the mushroom trance, I was informed that once a culture has complete understanding of its genetic information, it reengineers itself for survival. The Stropharia Cubensis mushroom's version of reengineering is a mycelial network strategy when in contact with planetary surfaces and a spore-dispersion strategy as a means of radiating throughout the galaxy. And, though I am troubled by how freely Bell's nonlocality theorem is tossed around, nevertheless the alien intellect on the other side does seem to be in possession of a huge body of information drawn from the history of the galaxy. It/they say that there is nothing unusual about this, that humanity's conceptions of organized intelligence and the dispersion of life in the galaxy are hopelessly culture-bound, that the galaxy has been an organized society for billions of years. Life evolves under so many different regiments of chemistry, temperature, and pressure, that searching for an extraterrestrial who will sit down and have a conversation with you is doomed to failure. The main problem with searching for extraterrestrials is to recognize them. Time is so vast and evolutionary strategies and environments so varied that the trick is to know that contact is being made at all.

Contact II

Tryptamine Hallucinogens And Consciousness

"It is only the conceit of the scientific and post industrial societies that allows us to even propound some of the questions that we take to be so important. For instance, the question of contact with extraterrestrials is a kind of red herring premised upon a number of assumptions that a moment's reflection will show are completely false. To search expectantly for a radio signal from an extraterrestrial source is probably as culture bound a presumption as to search the galaxy for a good Italian restaurant. And yet, this has been chosen as the avenue by which it is assumed contact is likely to occur. Meanwhile, there are people all over the world > psychics, shamans, mystics, schizophrenics > whose heads are filled with information, but it has been ruled a priori irrelevant, incoherent, or mad. Only that which is validated through consensus via certain sanctioned instrumentalities will be accepted as a signal. The problem is that we are so inundated by these signals > these other dimensions > that there is a great deal of noise in the circuit. "

Terence McKenna


contact [kòn´tàkt´] noun

1] Condition or state of touching, meeting, or communicating; person who is, or may be, contacted for information, etc.; Med. person likely to carry contagion through being near infected person; Electr. connection for passage of current.
2] v.t. get in touch with.

Verb, intransitive
To be in or come into contact.

"Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is trashuman, hyper dimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling [today] is a wish for contact [with that] Other." >> Terence McKenna.

"This time is unique in our history, in any civilization's history: the moment of the acquisition of technology. The moment when contact becomes possible."
>> Ellie Arroway [Jodie Foster], in the film Contact.

SETI in a Parallel Dimension

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - Here and Now

Well, it's a complicated argument? There are a number of things you could say about Stropharia Cubensis. First of all, an organism that wastes energy is slated for extinction. Thousands of mushrooms exist on this planet that don't make psilocybin. Stropharia cubensis channels approximately fifteen percent of its metabolic energy into making psilocybin. Why, if mushroom existence doesn't require that for any important purpose? It begins to look to me as though the mushroom may be a kind of technological artefact.

The other thing to notice is that, and this is true of all fungi, they're what is known as primary decomposers.They exist only on dead matter. That's the only karmaless place in the food chain. Vegetarianism compared to that is an orgy of mass slaughter. I guess I have a slight Buddhist bias here. But it seems to me that we've only known about DNA since about 1950, and we're already talking about completely redesigning ourselves based on reprogramming the human genome. So it may be that this is a stage that any intelligent being, species, organism, anywhere in the universe passes through, a phase where it takes control of its own design process. And Stropharia Cubensis looks to me like it's been designed for immortality, information storage, low-speed space flight, an ability to adapt to an incredible variety of environments. So I'm willing to at least entertain the possibility, based on the fact that it talks to you and fills you with alien information, that it may in fact be an artefact of extra-terrestrial origin.

This is how real aliens would do it. They don't arrive in the middle of the night with an interest in your asshole like the stories we're given, that's preposterous. Still less do they have an interest in the electrical grid, or the Gross National Product, or any of that. The problem with an extraterrestrial is to know when you're looking at one. I once visited the world's largest radio telescope in Aracibo, Puerto Rico, and they search for extra- terrestrial life with this thing. It's so large a telescope it's basically a dish suspended in round valley. And underneath the dish there's pasture land, and white cattle, and Stropharia Cubensis... It's like this amazing image of this instrument studying the centre of NGC-3622?, and yet a hundred feet from the main control booth is probably what they're looking for. [laughter]

"The world's largest radio telescope is at Arecibo in Puerto Rico, and within the shadow of that installation, psychedelic mushrooms grow in the fields and the cows graze quietly in the sunshine. It's a marvelous interpenetration of the near and the faraway. I believe that the place to search for extraterrestrials is in the psychic dimension, and there the problem is not the absence of communication but an abundance of signals that must be sifted through, because the fact of the matter is that shamans and mystics and seers have been hearing voices and talking to gods and demons since Paleolithic times and probably before. We shouldn't rule out this approach to communication. It seems to me far more likely that an advanced civilization would communicate interdimensionally and telepathically, and the amounts of time available for an intelligent species to have evolved these kinds of communication are vast."

Excerpt from 'The Archaic Revival' by Terence McKenna

OndaDX - Introduction

Break FREE! Tune your frequency... 13:20-DX

OndaDX - Dimension X
ONDA [translated from portuguese], = WAVE /weiv/ n.
1 > a wave-like motion by which heat, light, sound, or electricity is spread; a single curve in this.
2 > a moving ridge of water; a curve shape compare to this.
3 > a burst of felling; a sequence of a type of event: a 'wave of strikes'.
4 > move one's hand or arm to and fro as a greeting or signal; [cause to] move loosely to and fro or up and down.

[Onda] > Wavelengths or Frequencies: The "world" we perceive with our physical senses is merely one tiny fraction of the frequencies that exist...

ONDA sf. [ in portuguese ]
1 > grande quantidade ou afluxo de líquido.
2 > agitação intensa; tumulto.
3 > fis./ perturbação periódica mediante a qual pode haver transporte de energia dum ponto a outro de um material ou do espaço vazio.

[D] DIMENSION /dî-mèn´shen, dì/ n.:
1 > an aspect or feature.
2 > A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length.
3 > A frequency range > the "world" where we live in... a tiny fraction of the multi-dimensional infinity > The UlTimaTe ReaLitY!

[Fourth Dimension] /fôrth dî-mèn´shen/ n.
> Time regarded as a coordinate dimension and required by relativity theory, along with three spatial dimensions, to specify completely the location of any event...
> [ on this OndaDX web-blog we're going to call it: DimensionX ]
< ...also for [D] > [DISTANCE] n.
1 > the length of space or time between two points; being far away; a far point or part; the full lenght (of a race etc).
2 > v. separate, make remote.

[X] > X-dimension, the "one" [frequency] just outside the present range of the physical senses. We can feel it as "vibes" around us, but we cannot see it, unless we tune in with our "psychic" sight...

Dimension X
We think we live in a "world". In fact we live in a frequency range. That's all it is. We are trapped in a frequency range and therefore trapped in an illusion.

The "world" we see around us is merely the tiny fraction of multi-dimensional infinity that our physical senses of sight, hearing, smell, and taste can access. The physical world we perceive is like a radio station and our physical senses are tuned to its frequency. So that is all we see. But all around us are the other frequencies or densities of infinite creation - the ones that "science" has denied exist. They are all around us on frequencies beyond the range of our physical senses. These are the frequencies that can be seen and heard by animals, like cats, when they react to apparently "empty" space, and dogs when they hear sounds far higher than we can. Newborn babies also react to "empty" space until their senses are imprisoned by conditioning. These are the frequencies accessed by true psychics- the oracles of ancient world - who can raise their vibration to tune into these unseen realms.

You may look around and think that what you see is "real". But in truth you are living in an illusion - an illusion designed to keep you in a mental, emotional, and spiritual prison cell.